Saturday, October 4, 2008

My Week

1. Some lady with some yappy little dog yelled at me this morning because my dogs wandered within 20 yards of hers, on the open beach, thus disallowing her dog to do his "business". I told her that if her dog attacks other dogs, then she needs to find another place to let her dog shit since the beach is open and free space for dogs to run. Then I made sure she had a plastic bag since I don't want that mess on my beach.
2. Larry Craig gave his farewell speech on the Senate floor the other day...finally. Apparently the the chamber was just about empty. What a disgrace he is to the institution, his state and to the country, although it did make for some entertaining videos!
3. Joe Biden hands down beat Sarah Six-Pack in the debate the other evening. Does she ever answer a fucking question that's asked of her?! In addition, I am "oh so happy" that she'll tolerate me. She's scary...and a bitch. *wink* The game was fun though!
4. This smell was coming from my foyer this past weekend. After thinking someone tracked in some 'debris' on their shoes, I did some investigating and discovered that some people are just pure trash. In a glass vase by the front door, someone had apparently yakked. Disgusting.

The sun is shining and its a beautiful day :)

1 comment:

tankmontreal said...

You got that crap from some yappy-little-dog lady on the beach??? Doesn't sound like the Ptown I know.